

Mhoro, huya kuzobvunza zvigadzirwa zvedu!

Iyi purojekiti ndeye semi-inotenderera maindasitiri nzvimbo furemu / kureba ndeye 51 metres / yakazara kureba 688 metres / yakazara span 46 metres

Iyo purogiramu yekombuta inozvigadzira pachayo kurema kwesimbi nzvimbo furemu;

Mutoro unofanirwa kuita pane node, uye nhengo hadzitakure mitoro yelateral;

Iyo furemu dhizaini inofanirwa kunyatsoenderana neindasitiri chiyero "space frame joints bolt bhora rakabatana" JG/T10-2009.


Iyo simbi nzvimbo furemu inoverengerwa uye yakagadzirwa neMST2020 software.

Pamusoro pekuzadzisa zvinodikanwa zvekodhi yenyika, simbi inoshandiswa muchirongwa ichi inofanirawo kuita zvinotevera zvinodiwa:

a) Chiyero chechiyero chakayerwa chekusimba kwegoho resimbi kune kuyerwa kukosha kwesimba rekusimba harifanirwe kunge rakakura kupfuura 0.85;

b) Simbi inofanira kuva nematanho ezvibereko zvakajeka, uye elongation inofanira kuva yakakura kudarika 20%;

c) Iyo simbi inofanirwa kuve yakanaka weldability uye inokwanisa kukanganisa kuoma;

Iyo simbi nzvimbo dhizaini dhizaini inotora 3D3S (vhezheni 14.0) software dhizaini yepombi chimiro chekombuta-inobatsira dhizaini uye yekugadzira sisitimu yekuita ongororo yesimba remukati renhengo uye otomatiki dhizaini yekushushikana kwakazara pamicrocomputer, uye iyo yega-. uremu huremu hwegridi furemu inoiswa otomatiki mukuongorora kwesimba remukati.

Iyo yakaverengerwa kureba kwetsvimbo ndeye L0 = L, uye slenderness chiyero chekiyi tsvimbo inosungirira tsvimbo ≤ 200 uye compression tsvimbo ≤ 150. Chiyero che slenderness yemamwe matanda ndeye tie tsvimbo ≤ 250, kumanikidza tsvimbo ≤ 180.


This project is a semi-circular industrial space frame / height is 51 meters / total length 688 meters / total span 46 meters The computer program automatically forms the self-weight of the grid; The load must act on the nodes, and the members do not bear lateral loads; The frame structure should be strictly in accordance with the industry standard "Steel grid bolt ball joint" JG/T10-2009
This project is a semi-circular industrial space frame / height is 51 meters / total length 688 meters / total span 46 meters The computer program automatically forms the self-weight of the grid; The load must act on the nodes, and the members do not bear lateral loads; The frame structure should be strictly in accordance with the industry standard "Steel grid bolt ball joint" JG/T10-2009
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This project is a semi-circular industrial space frame / height is 51 meters / total length 688 meters / total span 46 meters The computer program automatically forms the self-weight of the grid; The load must act on the nodes, and the members do not bear lateral loads; The frame structure should be strictly in accordance with the industry standard "Steel grid bolt ball joint" JG/T10-2009

Nguva yekutumira: Mar-10-2022